In a pioneering effort Remain has forged an automated build environment for the build, test and deploy of EGL web services. Running EGL automated builds from within a builder server such as Continuum or Hudson instantly creates a Continuous Integration environment for EGL projects. With Continuous Integration in place, code and integration tests can be put to effective use, enhancing the overall software quality and reducing the risk of distributing failing software.
The automated build environment takes the responsibility of automatically checking out the EGL web service and related projects from a version control system's source repository.
The following build steps are performed:
- Generating java or java script from EGL sources,
- Packaging the EGL generated resources into an EAR,
- Deploying the EAR to a local WAS server,
- Running integration test against the deployed EAR,
- Pushing the web-service EAR into a Software Change Management system like Remain’s TD/OMS for further processing.
Once in TD/OMS the web-service ear and related components, such as RPG programs and SQL files will be processed and distributed to target systems, whereby the web-service EAR can be deployed directly into a WebSphere Application Server alleviating any tedious manual handling often required for a WAS EAR deployment.
The Benefits:
- Rely on the EGL automated build environment to construct the EGL web-services and to run the essential test suites automatically.
- Reduces the time normally required to release web service applications.
- Pulls EGL into a more Agile development process.